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List of Best Thematic Equity Funds in India

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Top Fund Managers in India 2025

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10 Best SIP Plans for Rs 5000 Per Month

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Best Mutual Funds to Invest in 2024: Top Picks for Growth and Returns

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NISM Series VIII - Equity Derivatives Mock Test

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ICICI SIP Plans 2024 - ICICI Mutual Fund SIP Investment in 2024

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SBI Fixed Deposit Calculator – Know your Returns from SBI FD

SBI FD Returns Calculator 2023Fixed deposits are amongst the most sought-after investment options in India – more popular than securities, mutual funds, and life insurance. This is majorly due to their risk-free ...Read more

Everything to know about Niva Bupa Health Insurance Plans

Niva Bupa Health Insurance 2023Formerly known was Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited, Niva Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited is a joint venture between Fettle Tone LLP, which is an affiliate of True No ...Read more

Merits of Long Term Investments in Stock Market

How long should you hold a share or stock? Market expert and veteran Warren Buffett says if you do not feel comfortable owning a stock for ten year, you should not purchase it for ten minutes. The benefit of long term ...Read more


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HOW IS IPO PRICE BAND DECIDED?WHAT IS IPO PRICE BAND?Before we dive deep into the understanding of how the price band of an IPO is determined and what are the rationales behind the same, first let us und ...Read more


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FLEXI CAP VS MULTICAP FUNDSWHAT ARE FLEXI CAP FUNDS?As per the guidelines of SEBI, a best fl ...Read more

AU Small Finance Bank FD Rates April 2023

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What is Fund Management? | Objectives and Benefits

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Mirae Asset S&P 500 Top 50 ETF Fund of Fund NFO - Investment Objective, Returns, Taxation & SIP

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Asset Allocation and Its Importance – Types of Asset Class and Factors Affecting Asset Allocation

ASSET ALLOCATION AND ITS IMPORTANCEAsset allocation has become a prime and gold standard in investing nationally and even internationally. Investors starting from office workers, students, professionals to HNIs i ...Read more

NISM Certification Exam - Courses, Registration, Syllabus, Eligibility & Fees

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Canara Robeco Focused Equity Fund NFO

Canara Robeco Focused Equity Fund NFOCanara Robeco Mutual Fund has announced the launch of the Canara Robeco Focused Equity Fund. The scheme would be predominantly investing its assets in a maximum of 30 equity s ...Read more

How to Invest in IPO

WHAT IS AN IPO ?Initial Public Offer (IPO) is a way through which private firms go public and make their stocks available to the general public for investment. This applicati ...Read more

Difference Between Life Insurance and Mutual Funds Investments

Life Insurance vs Mutual Funds InvestmentWith the increase in financial knowledge and awareness, everybody today is becoming more concerned about financial planning to achieve their goals. And to do this, investo ...Read more

SBI RD Interest Rates - Current SBI Rate 2021

SBI Recurring Deposit Interest Rates Period Rates for General PublicRates for Senior Citizen ...Read more

What is Internal Rate of Return - Meaning, Formula, Calculation of IRR

INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN IRR (Internal Rate of Return) Method takes into account the time value of money as we do in the calculation of NPV i.e. Net Present Value. It helps us to analyze an investment plan by ...Read more

Nazara Technologies LTD IPO

Nazara Technologies Limited IPO DetailsIncorporated in 1999, Nazara Technologies is an India-based leading diversified gaming & sports media platform. Their goal is to cater to billion-plus mobile internet pl ...Read more

Indigo Paints Limited IPO: Date, Review, Share Price, Financial Performance & Valuation

INDIGO PAINTS LIMITED IPOIndigo Paints started in the year 2000. The company started its business with the manufacturing of lower-end cement paints. After some time, it expanded its range to cover more segments o ...Read more

Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY): PMFBY Crop Insurance Benefits, Eligibility, Coverage

Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna (PMFBY)Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna was launched by prime minister Narendra Modi on 18 February 2016. It offers insurance coverage to the farmers in case of crop damage/failures ...Read more

Kotak International REIT FOF NFO - Investment Objective, SIP Details, Who Should Invest

Kotak International REIT FOF NFOKotak Mutual Fund has announced the launch of Kotak International REIT FOF (Fund of Funds). The scheme would be investing in units of SMAM ASIA REIT Sub Trust fund and other overse ...Read more

Systematic Transfer Plan (STP): Meaning, Types, Benefits, How to Start SIP

What is Systematic Transfer Plan?A Systematic Transfer Plan is a plan where investors give their consent to a Fund House or Asset Management Company to periodically redeem or switch a specific amount or certain u ...Read more

Lock in Period in Mutual Funds, NPS, NSC, PPF, Tax Saving FD

What is Lock-in Period?The Lock-in period is the time period during which investors are not allowed to make redemptions or sell their investments. Investors are restricted to sell their units until the lock-in pe ...Read more

Kotak ESG Opportunities Fund NFO - Investment Objective, Returns, Risk, Scheme Details

Kotak ESG Opportunities Fund - NFOKotak Mutual Fund has announced the launch of the Kotak ESG Opportunities Fund. The scheme would be investing in companies that adopt the theme of Environment, Social, and Govern ...Read more

Equity Funds - Meaning, Type, Risk, Returns, Benefits, Taxability, FAQs

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Conquer Your Fear of Money with These 8 Healthy Tools

Conquer Your Fear of Money with These 7 Healthy ToolsChrometophobia is the fear of money, and if you think about it, money is such a thing that you can just not avoid it. Like other phobias, it is an abnormal and ...Read more

Top3 financial foundation risks every Investor needs to tackle immediately

Top-3 financial foundation risks every Investor needs to tackle immediately.The black swan event of COVID-19 has taken the world by a complete surprise and exposed you and many people across to assess, manage, an ...Read more

Alternative Investment Funds - A Complete Guide to AIFs

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Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY): Scheme Eligibility, Interest Rate, Process to Apply

Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana for senior citizensPradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY) launched by the Government of India acts as an insurance policy cum pension scheme for senior citizens. The scheme ...Read more

Unit Linked Insurance Plans

Unit Linked Insurance PlansUnit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) is a type of life insurance plan which is multifaceted in nature and provides an opportunity to invest along with an insurance cover. ULIP was initiall ...Read more

Bharat Bond ETF - Meaning, Benefits, Price, Interest Rate, Review

What is Bharat Bond ETFBharat Bond ETF is an initiative by the Government of India which is exclusively managed by the Edelweiss Asset Management Company. The Bharat Bond ETF invests in AAA-rated instruments or d ...Read more

Connecting the financial linkages of the past to guide the present!

Connecting the financial linkages of the past to guide the present!Understanding the linkages between past financial evidence and present events is absolutely basic for a good understanding of how the whole finan ...Read more

ELSS VS PPF - Comparison, Tenure, Risks, Returns, Tax Benefits

ELSS VS PPF? WHERE TO INVEST FOR TAX SAVING?There are many investment products available in the market such as equity, debt, money market instruments, ...Read more

Is it good to invest in Debt Funds for the long-term?

Is it good to invest in Debt Funds for the long-term?Long-term debt funds, including gilt funds and long-dur ...Read more

Best Multi Cap Mutual Funds Investment in 2024

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Loan Against Fixed Deposit 2025: Everything You Need to Know

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9 Points to Consider Before Retirement

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