LIC Bima Jyoti Policy | LIC Table No. 860 | New LIC Plan 2021 wit...


LIC Bima Jyoti Plan or LIC plan 860 is a new LIC endowment plan from the Life Insurance Corporation of India. This is an endowment plan that is available for purchase online and through agents also. The LIC Bima Jyoti Policy can be purchased by an individual before the age of 60 years. The term of the policy is 15 to 20 years. However, the maximum age limit at maturity can be 75 years. The minimum sum assured on the LIC Bima Jyoti Policy is Rs. 1 lakh and above in multiples of Rs.25,000. Under this plan, Guaranteed Additions are accumulated at the rate of Rs.50 per Rs. 1000 of Basic Sum Assured at the end of each policy year throughout the policy term. The premiums on the LIC term insurance can only be paid through 4 options which are monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly. 5 Additional riders are optional which provides additional benefits at a higher premium. In case of survival of the policy term, the Basic sum assured along with guaranteed addition is paid to the policyholder and in case of death of the policyholder, the sum assured amount is paid to the nominee along with the guaranteed addition. 

LIC New Jeevan Anand Policy 2021 - 

LIC Jeevan Labh Policy 2021 -


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