Parag Parikh Flexicap Fund 2022 | Changes in Parag Parikh Fund | ...


Should I invest now in the Parag Parikh Flexicap Fund? This is a question several investors are asking us since the reopening of the Parag Parikh Flexicap Fund on 15th of March. 

In this video we have first answered the question, why were investments stopped in the Parag Parikh Fund? RBI has an industry wide limit for foreign investments of USD 7 billion. The mutual fund industry was at this mark in January when SEBI sent a notification to all AMCs asking them to halt fresh investments in overseas securities. Due to this change Parag Parikh had stopped new investments in its Flexicap scheme. 

On 15th March, Parag Parikh restarted fresh purchases in the scheme with the condition that all incremental investments will only be made in domestic equities. 

Parag Parikh Flexicap Fund invests its assets across market caps and sectors. Such a fund is relatively stable and can generate good returns in the long term. 

The NAV of the Parag Parikh Flexicap Fund as on 23rd March 2022 was Rs. 49.0855.


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