UTI Smallcap Fund 2021 | NFO Review


UTI Smallcap Fund NFO is the fund offering in the small cap category from the oldest AMC in India – UTI Asset Management Company. The NFO for UTI Small cap fund is open for subscription from 2nd December 2020 to 16th December 2020. The fund will invest 65 to 80% of its assets in small cap companies and the balance will be invested in mid cap stocks. The UTI Smallcap fund will use a blended investment style with a tilt towards growth. The fund will focus on companies with high and stable growth opportunities. The fund will also consider companies which are going through a transformation or turnaround. There will be a sectoral restriction of 35% or 12% above the benchmark allocation, whichever is lower. Single stock allocation will be maximum at 9.5% and the allocation in the top 10 stocks will not exceed 50%. The minimum initial investment in the fund is Rs. 5000 with an additional investment permitted of Rs. 1,000. The exit load on the UTI Smallcap fund is 1% for units redeemed within 1 year and nil after 1 year. 


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